Monday, October 31, 2011

Ada West Family Letter


Arrived USA 2Sep1909, NYC. Ship - Lusitania Passenger Manifest
Ada was Salvation Army Captain from England.

The following is a transcribed letter written by Ada to Alfred Krager. I got a copy of this letter either from Alfred or Alice Judd (Ada's daughter):

Dear Alfred and Pearl,
to get the family on your grand Pa and Grand Ma straight is...
Grand Ma Harriot and Grand Pa Robert (Bob) West are your proper Grand parents on your mothers side.

Emily West was your Step Grand Ma. her first husband Uncle Dick West and Grand Ma Harriot were brother and sister ...they were all born close to my home in Kent England.

Grand Pa and Grand Ma had 5 children when they left the old country. Uncle Will, Aunt charlotte, Alfred and Mahala and Kate, Kate died just before they got to New York on their way here they buried her in New York.

Your Uncle John was the first to be born in this country, then Jane, then Charley, then your mother, Uncle Ben is the youngest, there was I understand one or two babies between your mother and Uncle Ben but they died as infants.

I think your Uncle John and aunt Jane like Charley were born in Janeville Wisconsin. they were all (the older folks) including my mother were first-cousins.

My mothers father, Grand Ma Harriot's Father and Grand Pa Bobs were 3 brothers, Emily West mother was a sister to them [over]

I know nothing of your fathers folks except they were from Germany. I have told you all I can of the family on your mother's side. it is not written very good but my hand does not work right yet. if there is anything you don't understand write again and ask me. love to you both Aunt Ada.

I hope you will be able to come and see us again some time. bye and God bless you.